Annual Report

The aim of Bereavement Care is simple: to support those who are troubled by bereavement or loss.

Our method is simple: to listen.

Of course, things are not really quite so straightforward.

We carry out our work among the people of the London Borough and Deanery of Harrow, the London Borough of Hillingdon and surrounding areas. Bereaved people need to know about us, or others need to know where we are and how we can be contacted.

Our visitors listen. We train people to engage and listen. We have to provide this training and to offer on-going support for the visitors. On-going training is also required.

There are regular meetings of visitors for mutual support and a chance to raise important issues. These meeting are led by Group Leaders who then need their own support structure in Group Leader meetings and Cluster groups.

The whole community and individual people need to be aware of our services; raising awareness is an on-going need.

Our conference raises our profile in the local community and also provides education for visitors and others interested in our work.

We also need administrative support in all sorts of ways. We require office contact. We need to have the option of seeing people in a safe environment if they are not visited at home.

All this requires funds and so we need funding. Fundraising is an important feature.

We have Trustees who run the charity and deal with legal and contractual matters. I am chair of the Trustees. This year, our Constitution has changed to bring it into line with new Charity Commission requirements and to protect the interests of members and trustees. We have become ‘Bereavement Care’ to indicate the wider geographical spread of the charity. Bereavement Care has various Policies and a Codes of Conduct, which are updated as appropriate.

And so the shape of our various committees arises. We have a Conference Planning Group; we have a Fundraising and Awareness Group; we have a Training section.

We have one common aim: to support those troubled by bereavement or loss.

Thanks to you all, we cannot do our work without you!


Click here to download a copy of the full 2023 Annual Report and Accounts

2022 Annual Report and Accounts

2021 Annual Report and Accounts

2020 Annual Report and Accounts

2019 Annual Report and Accounts

2018 Annual Report and Accounts

2017 Annual Report and Accounts

2016 Annual Report and Accounts