Grief is a normal process and many people will receive support from family and friends at times of bereavement. If additional support is needed, our bereavement visitors are available to help.
Please contact our office on 020 8427 5720 to ask for bereavement support. We would usually expect the call to come from the person who is asking for the support. In this way we can ensure that the details we collect are accurate. We realise that it is often difficult to make the call, so we understand if someone makes the initial call on your behalf – and then passes the telephone to you.
We do also accept third-party referrals from G.P.s, I.A.P.T., Local Authorities – on the understanding that a referral to Bereavement Care has already been discussed with the client.
Referrals for those under the age of eighteen years are usually made by a parent or legal guardian, school, C.A.M.H.S. or Local Authority (Children & Families).
Once your referral has been assessed, we will assign a bereavement visitor to meet with you. Visits are usually arranged in your own home at a mutually agreeable time between you and the visitor on a one-to-one basis. The visits usually last about 50 minutes and the frequency of visits is again by mutual agreement. The conversations are strictly confidential between you and the visitor.
Where a visit to the client’s home is not possible, it may be possible (by prior arrangement) to provide a one-to-one visit at one of our Drop-In Support Groups.
Support for children is often arranged in liaison with the child’s school or college (subject to the agreement of the Headteacher/Principal and in conjunction with the Inclusion Department).
Our visitors are all volunteers who have undergone training to provide support to bereaved people. All children’s visitors have completed additional training and will have an enhanced DBS disclosure.