Policies, Procedures, GDPR & Advanced Personal Information

Bereavement Care is a registered charity (Registration Number 1157002) with an approved constitution. Its policies and procedures are reviewed regularly on a cycle agreed by the trustees. Copies of specific policies or procedures can be obtained from the Bereavement Care office.

Bereavement Care Constitution

General Data Protection Regulation

Bereavement Care is registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office as it collects and uses personal data in the provision of bereavement support for its clients and in holding personal information of its members, volunteers and supporters. You can read the Privacy Notices for Clients and for Members, Volunteers and Supporters here. If you would like to give your consent for your personal data to be used, please download a Consent Form here.

Advance Personal Information

Many people never consider or discuss the end of their lives with anyone. Sharing their wishes is often of great relief both for them and their families and to support these difficult conversations we have created an  Advance Personal Information Pack, which you can download here. To complete the form on your computer or to print it, download it first to your computer.